ALICE CAMPELO has been a dancer with the Brazilian Association since the Samba Brasil Heritage Dance Group was created. She is originally from Rio de Janeiro, from where she brings influences and roots to her teaching of samba moves and dance expressions.
SAMBA and Axé classes with Alice!
We are forming groups for these classes, and below you will find the invitation for the first group. These are 4 sessions of 50 minutes for small groups aiming to a maximum of 5 people. As we close one group we can create other options for dates and times, and you are welcome to make a suggest.
Location is Casa do Brasil – 10208 Elbow Dr. SW. Calgary
Fee is $40 for the set of 4 sessions. Buy it now HERE
- Classes are ongoing on TUESDAYs at 5pm
Pedimos aos interessados entrarem em contato por email para se registrarem
Forró classes with Tiago coming up soon!