2020 Brazilian Day
The first BCA LIVE BROADCAST ever happened on Saturday, Sept. 26
Thanks to our dedicated volunteers and qualified and talented performers, it was beyond our expectations. We are at the moment working on a short video clip of the 2-hours live event to be released soon, Stay Tuned!
Follow the link HERE to subscribe to the BCA YouTube channel and get a notification when we post upcoming events!! More to come.
In case you missed the live broadcast, we are sorry to hear that, however, our programming for live broadcasts are to be watched and appreciated as live performances… but we are preparing a short version of the entire 2-hour event and should become available soon!
Do not miss out on the next! Stay Tuned, make sure you SUBSCRIBE to our channel and click on the BELL to received notifications of new postings. If you are new to YouTube viewing, note that you do not need to subscribe to watch the channels content, however, we do appreciate if you can consider subscribing to the channel as the current setup in youtube does provide some extra benefits when our organization reaches a certain level of subscribers. For instance, when we reach 100 subscribers we can publish our name in the URL, when we reach 1000 subscribers we can broadcast from our cell phones, and so on, this is just the way this business is organized, and as we decide to use the system we should try to benefit from all aspects of it, but need your help, the AUDIENCE’s help. Thank you :)
Here our line-up:
5:00 PM Talita & Denis Nassar (Voice and keyboard) – Bossa Nova
5:15 PM José Neto (voice & guitar) & Vitor Jambo (Percussion) – MPB
5:30 PM Arthur (Keyboard) & Daniel (Voice and guitar) – MPB
5:45 PM Flavia Nascimento (Voice and pandeiro) & Guitar – MPB
6:00 PM Spoken Words – Brazilian Writers with Lia Pereira
6:05 PM Percussion Workshop for KIDS with Eduardo Mendonça
6:15 PM Drawing & Painting for KIDSworkshop with Katia Vissers
6:30 PM Music And KIDS Poems with Solange Key
6:40 PM Maculele with Aché Capoeira Calgary
6:45 PM Dance Carmem Miranda – Marli Valete Solo
6:50 PM Capoeira Show with Aché Capoeira Calgary
7:00 PM Samba Rio de Janeiro Style with Marli Valete
7:05 PM Samba Brasil Heritage Dance Group